Monday, June 29, 2009

I've Been Out of Commission

I've been out of commission for awhile. My baby brother Aaron, 31, died suddenly of a massive heart attack. He and his wife, Silja (pronounced Sill-ya) are pictured at the right. I'm still consumed by it, but have started writing again because I need to do something.
I've recently re-written some articles from e-How, for the Examiner. I got a boost at the Examiner, and am now the Albany Child Care Examiner, which is much closer to home!
My articles still post for the NY Examiner. I've re-written the article on Barter Trade Exchange, and I also wrote an article on Forgotten Baby Syndrome, which is a real page turner, so don't hesitate to check them out!
The Examiner is great, and encourages re-writes and cross-links to self-promote, unlike other places that I've written for.